Location:Bald Knob, AR

About Xxxgavinxxx: :::Chatango Celebrity:::<\i> i am now at ChatangoCelebrity Ohai thar.This be Tejapandachibisauras :DUm uh Gavin is the shiet. He be a hawt person!um uh Yeah Hes gay for me.Gavin bud you got hacked >:DBwhahahaha I knwo something you dont know xD Quote: "Quotes are for dick heads" - Me ATM: sorted Nazgrel so high i can hear heaven.. But heaven cant hear me.... i Fooka That Bazooka =3 You think i dont understand ? A bullet sound the same in every language! >:D Why so serious? "some people refuse to see that there crazy.. then truely slip into madness because of it... but others.. embraise the insanity and they can control the order of the world if they want... the truely insane are the ones who do not embraice insanity... Sanity is for the Weak....." Quote from Me GO 2 or ARTHAS !!! GOD IS PISSED OF AT YOU!!!!! Baby dont fear the reaper .....for......PONY!!!!!! (my battle cry) Moto: You cant kill my dreams....but my dreams can kill u.. Gavin is a: GOOD BOY!!! MEGGERS (IDK XDDD)